
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Career in Android Technology

Android is a Linux-based operating system.B.E and B.Tech freshers have a great scope in java and android these days.The Android platform today has built outstanding careers in technology innovation and application development.Android is the latest technology and if one have knowledge about android than he or she would have a great scope a head.Android is the fast paced technology and mobile technology has grown rapidly in India. The Android...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

SEO tools in Joomla

Joomla is a robust content management system used in most popular websites.It enables one to create the best site.It is the core of Search Engine Optimization. Following are its tools:- 1. SEOSimple - Joomla experts incorporate SEOSimple into every site they build.It automatically uses a chunk of text from top of each page as its meta description. 2. ARTIO JoomSEF -  is designed to make your URLs perform better. This tool...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Importance of Web

A web is a multi-based collection of information, services and sites supported by internet. It is an architectural frame work for accessing linked documents.It is a powerful GUI that presents the required information in a attractive way for the user.The World Wide Web contributes greatly to the creation of an ever-increasing global information database. It has Simplified access to the Internet - The Internet provides access to mail, interactive...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a method of promoting web businesses in which an affiliate is rewarded for every visitor, subscriber and customer provided through his efforts.The affiliate will proceed to advertise the product in a number of ways, mostly online, by writing articles about the product, posting a classified ad, or pay to advertise the product. In electronic commerce affiliate marketing means of achieving greater market penetration...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What Is Digital Marketing.

Digital marketing is simply Online Marketing, it is a type of marketing that uses electronic devices which are computers,tablets,smartphones and celphones.It can be in the form of sending an email, optimizing search engine result (SEO), or displaying banner ads on a webpage to reach potential customers.Digital Marketing  typically involves using  the Internet to promote products and services to customers.   Digital Marketing...

What is On Page SEO.

On page SEO is the process of optimizing our website content. This includes the text, images and links on our website. On page SEO involves making your website more search engine friendly. Arranging the meta tags properly within the specified limits will help you in better on page SEO work.Onpage SEO is the strategy followed to bring any keyword in the top search results. There are several key factors of on page SEO which are as follows:- 1....

Monday, January 7, 2013

SEO tips and tricks

1. Enable Social Media Sharing - Enable as many social media sharing options on your website as you can. Install buttons for all the major social sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) and others on every important page of your website. With these buttons, your readers can spread the word about the valuable and interesting content you have to offer. 2. Create a complete description for all the website sections and categories - Such description...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

What is Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO is normally defined as techniques that are being used in order to rank higher on different search engines using prohibted tactics and ways.This is considered as unethical SEO. Black Hat SEO is more frequently used by those who are looking for a quick financial return on their Web site, rather than a long-term investment on their Web site A black hat SEO uses grey shaded techniques and does not abide by the rules and regulations of search engines.Some of the unethical techniques used by a Black Hat SEO are 1. Invisible Text...